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4 ways to add depth to a game

One of the most important things of a mobile game is to make it understandable. So it’s very important for the players to understand the game rules in a few seconds so that they can imagine themselves playing it. On…

3 ways to make your game feel juicier

There are many factors that come into play when juicing up your game or in other words polishing. Blindly adding particle effects and sounds don’t mean polishing. If not done correctly, that can even harm the experience of the game…

Replace “switch” with Sctiptable Object in Unity

One of the design patterns in programming in Open-Closed Principle. It is part of the standard SOLID principles and takes it place at the ‘O’. According to Wikipedia, In object-oriented programming, the open/closed principle states “software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be…

Using Native C# Events in Unity

EventSystem_Native Github:  It contains a framework to use C# event system (not UnityEvents). C# event system is more optimized in most cases than Unity Event System. Unless you want to drag and drop references in Unity Editor as a listeners,…